• Prepares wood for oiling
• Removes stains and old oils without sanding
• Acid-free; ideal for all fine woods and wood furniture
• Cleans teak without sanding
• Will not harm fiberglass

For badly weathered or stained teak :

Apply Magic Teak Cleaner (Step 1) directly to dry wood, working in small, 2 meter areas.
Use stiff bristle brush or medium (red) scrubber pad to spread it evenly over area to be treated.
Allow Magic Teak Cleaner to soak into wood for two to three minutes before scrubbing in the direction of the grain. Rinse thoroughly with fresh water.
Stubborn stains may require a repeat application with more vigorous scrubbing or brushing.

For lightly stained teak :
Apply a mixture of Magic Teak Cleaner (Step 1) that is diluted with 1 part water to 1 part Magic Teak Cleaner. Use a medium bristle brush or white (fine) scrubber pad to spread it evenly. Scrub or brush lightly to remove dirt, old oils and stains. Rinse thoroughly with fresh water. After wood has been cleaned, apply Magic Teak Brightener (Step 2) to enhance the wood grain and natural beauty of the wood. Magic Teak Brightener can be applied immediately after Magic Teak Cleaner. Follow by applying a protective coating of teak oil.

• Treat a small inconspicuous area before doing the entire deck and allow to dry.
• Do not proceed if you are not satisfied with the effect.
• Do not apply to wood in intense sunlight or heat.
• To avoid damage or discoloration, do not allow Magic Teak Cleaner to come into contact with fabrics, trailers, aluminum, varnished or painted surfaces.
• Immediately rinse any spills or drips.